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Parent Survey

The Governors conduct a Parent Survey each year. The questions are based on Ofsted Parent View. By asking parents the same questions each year, the school and Ofsted can track trends, comparisons & statistics. 

“Overall, I think my children enjoy school and are given great opportunities to excel. Thank you to all the staff who make this possible. Keep up the good work.” - Parent Voice February 2025

“The school is warm and friendly, a real community and the head, teachers and all staff appear to really care “ - Parent Voice February 2025

Parent Survey February 2025

It was lovely for staff and governors to read the results and comments which were overwhelmingly positive. Of course, the suggestions where we can improve are equally important to us and whilst we cannot look to resolve or take on board every single suggestion, we have looked for the common themes and what learning we can take from them.

  • We will update the SEND section on our website to provide more information to parents
  • We will update the EYFS  section on our website to provide more information to parents
  • We will continue to look for ways to keep parents updated about learning.

Currently parents are updated about learning in the following ways

On the class pages of our website, you can view

  • Curriculum overviews so parents can view the topics/subjects being taught in each year group, each term.
  • Topic-related homework menus (Yrs R-4)
  • Photos from the term
  • The wider curriculum area of our website showcases whole school events
  • Termly parent open afternoons give parents the opportunity to come into class and see the learning
  • Parents evenings give parents the chance to speak 1:1 with regard their child’s learning
  •   We will continue to look for club opportunities

We understand the importance of extracurricular activities in enhancing children’s educational experience and personal development. We are continually exploring opportunities to expand our offerings via private companies however these are limited by both cost to parents and the availability of a suitable space (Wraparound uses our hall space).

Ofsted were positive about the number of opportunities we offer as a small school, including art club, sports club, science club, wraparound care. It was also noted that the school offers extra-curricular enrichment opportunities during the school day including Young Voices, residentials, trips & sporting events.

Please look at the attachments below where you can see all the results. As always, if you have something you would like to discuss with us, please do contact us.