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Admissions Reception - Year 6

School visits for parents of children starting school in September 2025

14th January- 9:30am OR 1:30pm

To book a time slot, please contact the school office:

Tel: 01491 836785

To find out about our admissions policy please click on the following link to take you to Oxfordshire County Council’s Admission Information

Pre School 

Crowmarsh Pre – School provides an exceptional learning experience for children aged between two and four years. We provide children with opportunities to learn and develop through play, supported by our team of experienced and dedicated practitioners.

The setting benefits from a large, well-appointed classroom, which provides for all areas of learning.

We share our large outdoor space with the school’s EYFS Class which supports a seamless transition from the Pre – School to School.

In Preschool the seven areas of learning are taught through children’s interests in the moment. As well as through planned group time building on the children’s strengths and net stage of development. In Pre-School, routines includes child – led learning, short adult – led sessions which include phonics and maths games and story and circle times. Each key person works 1:1 to support their key children to meet their individual next steps.

Growing and Learning Together

Our ethos of ‘Growing and learning together’ reflects our desire to build a learning community both within our own Pre – School and as part of our local community. We seek to do this by supporting and promoting the learning, development and wellbeing of all individuals connected with our setting. This includes children, parents, practitioners and visitors.

We believe that positive relationships are at the heart of great early years practice. Our strong emphasis on the keyperson system enables us to get to know each child well. This supports children to feel emotionally secure with us. Each keyperson is then able to assess children’s current level of development and to plan individual next steps which help to support their ongoing learning.

We seek to work in close partnership with parents, as we understand that they are the experts in their own children. This partnership enables us to share information and insights and supports us to deliver the most appropriate learning experiences for each child.