Year 1
Welcome to our Class Page!
Our Teachers are :
Mrs Victoria Abbott (Monday - Thursday)
Miss Cassie Mayne (Friday)
Our support staff are:
Ms Chloe Hurley
Miss Hill
Our PE Days are: Tuesdays & Fridays
Please wear PE kits to school on these days
Here you will find:
- Our Learning
- Our curriculum this term
- Home learning for the term
- Common Exception Words
- Recommended Reads for Year 1
- Meet the Teacher Presentation
Our Learning - Autumn
In Art so far the children have been learning how to create spirals by drawing from their finger tips, wrist, elbow, shoulder and body. We used a spiral to create a snail and colour to engage others in our Art.
Our Learning - Spring
In Maths we have been learning about Doubling. The children used lots of different strategies to practise their skills.
In our Science lessons we have been learning about our bodies. In groups the children drew around someone and then all labelled the body parts they knew. We found out that not everyone remembered their wrists and ankles.
In English we have been learning the Traditional Tale of The Three Billy Goats Gruff. We learnt actions and made a story map to help us to retell the story. The children loved acting out the story with our stick puppets. We then innovated our characters and settings to create our own version of the story.
In our Computing lessons we have been learning about algorithms. We are now putting what we've learnt into practice by learning how to use Beebots. The children had 3 challenges. To make the Beebot move under a bridge, to make the beebot draw a circle with a pencil and to move the beebot as close to a wall as you could.
World Book Day 2025 - The children had a chance to 'Read our way'
During Science Week, our Science Ambassadors helped us to plant some peas. We're enjoying watching them grow!
In our Art lessons we have been learning how to sketch. The children focused on developing skills and having fun rather than a finished product whilst we sketched different insects.