Pre School (3-4yrs)
30hr places: 8:45am –3:15pm (30hr code required)
15hr places: 8:45am – 11:45am morning session
or 12:15pm – 3:15pm afternoon session
Lunch optional paid extra for 15hr places.
We invite you to contact us and arrange a visit.
If you would like to submit an application, you can do so via the following link. Please note this is a show of interest and does not guarantee a place.
We have three school terms, places are allocated according to our admissions policy at the following times.
- Last day of March to start in September
- Last day of September to start in January
- Last day of January to start in April
After each allocation window, parents will be contacted within two weeks and places offered according to our Admissions Policy.
Crowmarsh Pre – School provides an exceptional learning experience for children aged between three and four years. We provide children with opportunities to learn and develop through play, supported by our team of experienced and dedicated practitioners.
The setting benefits from a large, well-appointed classroom, which provides for all areas of learning.
We share our large outdoor space with the school’s EYFS class which supports a seamless transition from the Pre – School to School.
In Preschool the seven areas of learning are taught through children’s interests in the moment. As well as through planned group time building on the children’s strengths and net stage of development. In Pre-School, routines includes child – led learning, short adult – led sessions which include phonics and maths games and story and circle times. Each key person works 1:1 to support their key children to meet their individual next steps.
- Supports school readiness
- Above national results EYFS, KS1 & KS2
- Community orientated
- Large outdoor area
Growing and Learning Together
Our ethos of ‘Growing and learning together’ reflects our desire to build a learning community both within our own Pre – School and as part of our local community. We seek to do this by supporting and promoting the learning, development and wellbeing of all individuals connected with our setting. This includes children, parents, practitioners and visitors.
We believe that positive relationships are at the heart of great early years practice. Our strong emphasis on the key person system enables us to get to know each child well. This supports children to feel emotionally secure with us. Each key person is then able to assess children’s current level of development and to plan individual next steps which help to support their ongoing learning.
We seek to work in close partnership with parents, as we understand that they are the experts in their own children. This partnership enables us to share information and insights and supports us to deliver the most appropriate learning experiences for each child.
A Typical Day at Pre – School
As the children arrive, they are encouraged to self- register, then select an activity while they wait for all their friends.
When the session begins we all gather on the carpet to greet one another and talk about the day ahead. Following this, the Owl group (our older children) often stay for a short, adult – led session – typically a maths or phonics session. The younger children (the Robins) choose their own activities, supported by practitioners.
Snack time follows, with all children being encouraged to participate. We provide a variety of healthy food (cereals, fruit, toast, cheese) along with a choice of milk or water. The children are encouraged to serve themselves (under adult supervision).
We operate a ‘free flow’ system. This means that children can choose whether they would like to be outside or in the classroom. We open our doors to the garden as soon as possible and staffing is organised to support this.
During the rest of the session, children are encouraged and supported to choose their own activities and resources. Practitioners work and play with and alongside the children, observing their play and scaffolding their learning. In addition, our practitioners work 1:1 or with small groups of children to offer planned learning experiences, designed to support children to meet their next steps in development.
Following ‘tidy up time’ at 11.30, the children take part in circle times before lunch. We generally run two circle times – one for the Owls and one for the Robins. The primary aim of these is to support the development of children’s language and communication skills along with their personal, social and emotional development.
Lunch time is between 12.00 and 1.00. Children and staff sit together to eat their lunch, with staff supporting children throughout. This provides an excellent learning opportunity.
The afternoon follows a similar pattern. We tidy up at around 2.30, then share a snack and story before we go home.