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Welcome to Our Class Page

Our Teacher is: Miss Moore

Our support staff are: 

Miss Cassie Mayne 

Mrs Chantelle McDowell  

Mrs Deborah Ayling 

Our PE Days are:  TBC

Please wear PE kits to school on these days

Here you will find:

  • Home learning for the term
  • Our curriculum this term

Fifty Things to do Before You are Five



Tapestry is a secure online learning journal. Both settings and parents can upload and access a child's profile. At CGPS we use Tapestry in Pre-School and Reception to share "wow" moments. We also encourage parents to share things they have done at home as this provides good talking points for children when at school.

In 2021, the EYFS statutory requirements were changed to ensure adult time was spent with the children in the setting rather than on paperwork.

The Statutory Framework states the following 2 points:

  • "Practitioners should keep parents and/or carers up to date with their child’s progress and development"  and
  • "Ongoing assessment (also known as formative assessment) is an integral part of the learning and development process. It involves practitioners understanding children’s interests and what they know and can do, and then shaping teaching and learning experiences for each child reflecting that knowledge. In their interactions with children, practitioners should make and act on their own day-to-day observations about children’s progress and observations that parents and carers share. However, there is no requirement to keep written records in relation to this."

At CGPS we prefer to keep parents up to date verbally. This may be at pick up or drop off in a short conversation about something that has happened during the day or during one of our termly parent's meetings. We also provide parents with an end of year report.

Ongoing assessment is done in a variety of ways. Observations are made daily, and staff work with children during free flow, within their play, to work on areas such as personal, social and emotional development or fine motor skills.  There are often a number of children working on the same next step. Where this is the case, we will put together short 'interventions' to support them as well as some structured tabletop activities that children can do independently and adapt in their own way.

For Reception, where possible, we will upload the moment of achievement to Tapestry however, we may share this with you in other ways such as sending home a piece of work or telling you at collection.